None of us makes it through life completely unscathed. Most of us experience trauma or emotional pain at some point in our lives. This has to be addressed if we don’t want it to hold us back.
This, in essence, is what restorative coaching is about.
As an intuitive coach, Amanda is able to very quickly and accurately pinpoint emotional issues as well as what is needed to resolve it. She has developed a starting point for emotional healing that involves the following four points:
Overcoming victimhood: This is the most important aspect of healing for emotional brokenness. If you suffer from some kind of trauma, you have very likely been in a situation where you had very little to no control over what happened to you. That made you a victim. But, to receive complete healing, you have to overcome being a victim and move into being not merely a survivor of what happened to you, but an overcomer. Once you do that, healing will start to flow freely into your life.
Understanding your identity: Traumatic events, especially something like abuse of any kind, can confuse you about your identity. As long as you do not understand or live from your true identity, there won’t be complete emotional healing. The truth is this: When you do not truly know who you are, it really doesn’t matter much what else you do know, because you do not know what is most important. As you grow in understanding of who you truly are, healing happens.
Living in truth: Getting rid of all the untruths you believe about yourself is the third step in the process of emotional healing. Trauma, once again especially abuse, results in us believing a lot of untruths about ourselves. As long as we do not live in truth and truly believe the truth about ourselves and who we are and were meant to be, it will serve as a blockage to full emotional healing. Stripping those untruths from your being one at a time results not only in freedom but in emotional healing.
Thought processes: The wrong kind of thinking about yourself, your life and the people around you, will hamper your emotional healing. Coupled with ridding yourself from the untruths you believed about yourself, is developing a new way of thinking and renewing your thought processes. This will bring you into deeper freedom and greater healing.

Amanda is fully trained to facilitate emotional healing and has developed several very effective techniques, exercises and tools to bring clients to freedom from their past and healing of emotions.
Amanda's own healing journey
A traumatic childhood event caused a lot of brokenness in Amanda’s life, setting her on a journey of healing and restoration later in life. As a girl of eight years old, Amanda was sexually abused and later raped by a distant family member.
She only realised the impact of these chain of events much later in life, when, as a young wife and mother, relational problems and severe depression caused her much pain. Over a period of about four years Amanda spent altogether almost six months as a patient in psychiatric hospitals to receive treatment for her depression. She tried to commit suicide a number of times, almost succeeding with one attempt where she had already stopped breathing and had no heartbeat by the time she was admitted to hospital. Doctors had to work furiously to pull her back from the brink.
It was only after reaching such depths of despair that Amanda was finally able to start on her healing journey. In this process there were many breakthroughs – some big and some small. Yet, in each of those moments, she took a step closer to complete emotional healing that brought freedom from her past. Not only is Amanda currently living in absolute freedom from the trauma from her childhood, she has also been completely healed from depression, anxiety disorders and severe social anxiety.
If you are looking for someone who understands the depth of pain caused by traumatic events, yet has intimate knowledge of living a life free from the past, then look no further: Amanda has the understanding, compassion, ability and necessary skills to not only walk with you into healing, but help you on your path to restoration.
It is possible to live a life free from brokenness. You only need the desire to be free and the willingness to do the work required.
- Amanda de Lange