Amanda is a specialist in strategic change and a qualified Master Coach. Her interest in this field has been sparked by her own transitional journey after leaving a 30-year long career as a very successful and accomplished journalist to explore a new career.
As a change strategist, she focuses on the following:
Facilitating successful and strategic change for people, organizations or corporations in times of major change.
Restorative coaching: leading individuals through processes of emotional healing.
Amanda studied through Inner Life Skills International, and her qualification as a master coach is accredited by COMENSA (Coaches and Mentors of South Africa) as well as the ICF (International Coach Federation). She has added to these qualifications by undertaking personal studies regarding performance coaching as well as transformational coaching. She has access to more than 70 coaching tools which is applied to help clients through various processes
Life Coach
As a life coach, Amanda loves the process of empowering her clients. She firmly believes in equipping her clients with the skills they would need to become their own cheerleaders, and that through working with her, they would acquire the understanding and tools necessary to live the life they have been called to and fulfill the purpose they were destined to.
Defining Strategic Change
It is very important to understand that change, especially major change, needs to be approached strategically to get through it as smoothly as possible. Amanda approaches change according to the following categories:
Forced Change: Any major process of change that was not planned, i.e. retrenchment, a major illness, divorce, death of a loved one. On an organizational or corporate level, forced change often impacts not only management but staff as well. Navigating these changes is extremely important for the future health and wealth of all involved.
Planned Change: Any major process of change that is planned by either an individual or an organization. It is important to understand that even planned change is filled with challenges and needs to be approached strategically, to minimize unforeseen fallout.
Nip and tucks: It is often the small things that cause the most problems, whether on an individual, organizational or corporate level. This will cause problems, and often the reason for not addressing it is as simple as that the people involved do not know how to fix the issue at hand. Amanda helps her clients to find the best way to make these small strategic changes. It includes issues such as goal setting, planning, overcoming of obstacles, living confidently, creative expressions, personal development, decision making, finding solutions etc.
Navigating Successful Change
Amanda has identified three steps to work through in starting the process to a successful transition. Simply put, it involves the following:
Leave the old behind: Most of us know we need to let go of the things that are holding us back, or the things that cause pain. But the good stuff? Yes, some of that will have to go as well. It might have served you in some way where you have been, but it might very well work against you in your new season. Don't drag the old into the new.
Run toward the new: If you continue to run away from that which scares you, you will falter even before you had an opportunity to embrace the first challenge on your path. Run toward, no matter daunting it seems. Make the conscious decision to not run away.
Be vulnerable. Allow yourself to be known in new ways. Don't try to hide your weaknesses, but surround yourself with those who will help you design the kind of healthy armor that will protect you and bring you into places of greater strength. When you are constantly trying to hide your weaknesses, you are not able to focus on your strengths. Be with people who are willing to see your weaknesses as something that can be built upon and not as something to be used to break you down.

Do you need a strategy for transition or change?
Amanda has the unique ability to look outside the box and help you to navigate through new terrain successfully!